Bra Fitting Service

The Primrose unit offer a free bra fitting service after surgery, an appointment can be made for you by calling the Primrose unit reception on (01752) 432066.

Breast Care Nurse Support

If you have any concerns or worries and are currently receiving breast treatment please call (01752) 431898- This is a 24 hour answerphone service where you will be called back by a trained nurse care specialist.

Breast Prosthesis Clinic

The Primrose unit offer a free prosthesis or softie fitting service, if you have had a mastectomy or lumpectomy and require either please ask your GP for a referral into this services, once your referral has been received an appointment will be sent to you. Please note that these clinics only run on a monthly basis and so demand is high therefore if you cannot make your booked appointment please let the Primrose unit know so that someone else can be offered your appointment.

For more information please call (01752) 432066.